Monday, March 21, 2011

Long time no see...

Well, well, it's been almost 2 years since i posted anything, 2009 seems merely a whisper. Now being faced with 2011, i feel that a brief recap is in order:
-i barely made it home from japan
-i got back on the road
-i had many a new bike
-i was in a feature length film
-i cut my hair
-i met my long lost brother
- the winter was a cake walk (09/10)
- i somewhat started a bag company
-i did some traveling
-i have become obsessed with the tv show 30Rock
-i got more tattoos
-i sold/ traded some bikes
-winter wise, mother nature showed her true color (white), proving to be a harsher mistress than last.
-i ended up with one bike
-i tried to disappear
-i've developed health problems
-i've renewed my love of donuts
- bid farewell, to my brother from another (donnie you will be missed, up until the next inappropriate bbm voice note)
-i went to the boogie down big apple
which brings us to now, and most importantly.

With disaster amidst, and armageddon looming, 2011 seems to be make or break for human kind. My highest hopes, and prayers go out to Japan, and its people. Lets not forget Haiti, and Indonesia either.

Yeah lot's of bad news, but at least now i have a means through which to whine and moan about it.
I'm tired and im probably not making any sense.
so in closing, its good to see you all again, i"ll try to keep consistent regarding interesting content, keep you're stick on the ice, and no head shots.

and i'll leave you with these:

Some of the best people in my life.

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